Rating Guide

The following is a rough basis on which I rate the movies. Rating on a scale of 10 is definitely difficult than a scale of 5. But since I rate on IMDB which follows a scale of 1-10, I devised the following should I say rather idiotic criteria for my convenience.

1   awful, absolute shit, makers of this should be hanged. (since I rarely agree with capital punishment, you don't generally see me giving a 1 for many movies).

   worst movie, makers should have life imprisonment.

3   very bad movie, makers escaped imprisonment by a whisker. (1, 2, 3 are for only movie fanatics)

4    bad film. only see when someone really really forces you to see this.

5    below average. if you have absolutely nothing else to do.

6    decent, average attempt.

7    good movie but is not compulsory for everyone to see.

8    very very good movie, must see atleast once if not more than that.

9    superb, very little to improve, just missed awesome.

10   awesome, ultimate, masterpiece. you want to watch this for a 2nd time immediately.

Movies of Audrey 'My Darling Fairest Lady' Hepburn & Documentaries may sometimes prove to be exceptions to the above criteria because I can't guarantee an impartial verdict. 

Another thing to be noted is that you can't judge a Hollywood movie, a Bollywood movie and a Tollywood movie against each other as the standards of each one of these are very different. For e.g, when I give a Tollywood movie a 9/10, it is only in comparison to other Tollywood movies.