A big Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,
I love movies which should be obvious by now. I also like documentaries. I initially started watching movies only as a means to waste time. I don't know when the time pass entertainment became my love. Probably from my grad days. I love all kinds of movies without any genre bias. Oh I forgot there is one particular type that I hate. The type that falls into the group of American Pie sequels.

After thinking & thinking & thinking for the past 2319 years about sharing my views, finally thanks to a little push from my cousin, I started my blog. This blog is a kind of journal where I will post about anything that I've watched since March 12, 2010.
The reviews in this blog are from the view point of a South Asian (to be precise Indian) movie lover. So my angle & understanding of English films might some times differ from say that of an American or a British cinephile.
Apart from movies, the thing that I absolutely love is truth. Not the 'don't tell lies' kind of truth but the truth as in knowing about the Universe, Evolution, etc,. Not only our physical evolution but also mental.
"Every bit of story told, whether fiction or otherwise, is a piece of history in someone's perspective."
I don't know where I saw this but it stuck in my head. (It will be a great help if you could mention the source). This is one of the reasons for my love towards movies & books. Because in a way they help me in understanding the evolution of human thinking, rationality and philosophy which are of great interest to me. Sounds a little demented. Don't bother.
Since I like certain areas of science, I will also post about any such videos that I saw on BBC, NGC, Discovery, PBS, etc,.
I'm not overstating when I say that the first and the last things that I do everyday are to check my mail to see whether I got any comments under my posts. It doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative, if you have something to say, don't hesitate to air your views or comments. You can always abuse an idea (read post) but don't abuse the brain behind it (read me) :).
If you do like my blog, be my follower.
Regards & Cheers,